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Side Effects of Appetite Suppressants

Although appetite supressants are known to help you lose your weight and your desire to eat more than what you can normally consume, it has been clinically studied that these suppressants are known to have side effects which would somehow be very dangerous for your health. That is why it is highly advised that before taking up medications on appetite suppressants, you must consult a doctor and have him know you entire medical history.

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It is also important for the doctor to know any current condition that you may have such as high blood pressure, diabetes, an over-active thyroid, glaucoma and kidney diseases. Aside from doctors, nutritionist and dietician may help you do the right or correct method of taking up medications for suppressing your appetite. They are most capable of knowing what to take up and how to manage your body when taking appetite suppressants.

appetite supressant

Some of the side effects of using appetite suppressant include dizziness, sedation, addiction, euphoria, psychotic reactions, agitation, sleep disturbances, insomnia, anorexia, dry mouth, and the list goes on. That is why it is very important for you to consult a doctor in order to avoid the side effects that may be caused while taking up medication on appetite suppression. It may take time before results are seen while you are on appetite suppression medication. However, when you can see and feel the result, it basically gives you more confidence of how your body looks.

appetite supressant

Appetite suppressants are good for people who are severely overweight as it may help them lose eight to ten pounds a week. However, in reality without the fast talking advertisement and long lasting promises, you will never achieved a great and perfect body if you would not put a work on it and carefully watch your diet and food intake.

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